Special delivery

Special delivery

Apr 18

It’s official!  Aidan Michael Bruce Lockhart made the transition from a warm comfy place to a cold hospital room at 7:28 AM today where he was greeted with smiles and tears of joy from doctors, nurses and family.  The little bambino tipped the scales at 6 lbs. 11 oz. and measured a full 19 inches long.

Aidan at about 1 hour old Aidan after his first bath. Aidan after his first bath.
He and mom are resting comfortably now while Nat is running around and sending emails.  Thank you to all the many people who prayed for us.  We truly know your prayers were felt.  We’ll be home from the hospital soon!


  1. Meghan & Justin

    CONGRATS !!! Aiden is very handsome !!
    Can’t wait to meet him in person !

  2. Michael

    YAY!! Grats guys! 🙂